Portfolio Project Blog post

hector lopez
2 min readMar 24, 2021


Create a Scrapper for hotels.com, kayak.com, Booking.com for the purpose of automating the gathering of information needed by the the client(Ayenda) and reducing the “dead Time” when this process was done manually. in my case i was in charge of the quality control of the application detecting possible bugs and testing the application with the python developer.

Why this Project?

Everyone on our team enjoys python, so it was a easy decision for us , we had our goals to develop our python skills even further with this project by creating a web scrapper, we fought fiery it was not a easy journey but in the end….. was Worth it we got to a point that we didn't need to google anymore and that is amazing.


Technologies: Python-Selenium/ Octoparser

for the Scrapper we choosed to use selenium because it gave us the freedom to extract data the way we wanted compared with octoparser where Apis are given to abstract this process but by using the latter we had limited possibilities to extract the specific data we wanted in our cases the price, location, name of hotel, number of rooms.

The Result of the project was a Scrapper for hotels, booking, kayak, that obtains the price, location, name of hotel, number of rooms for a certain location.


i didn't know anything about scrapping at all, my first approach was to read blogs and videos to get into action as soon as possible using the help of my peers i was soon ready to fulfill my role as a quality control engineer, testing and looking for bugs on the application.

About Me

Full-Stack Software Developer with 1 year of experience in software Development, that follows the following set of rules 2/4 Learning , 1/4 Sleeping, 1/4 Coding in addition to be a fast-learner, considered to be an Adaptable, innovative, conservative and ambitious Person, choosen Software Development as main path due to fact that this kind of job offers flexibility and freedom and last but not least the fame and respect it brings to the table.

Project Github: https://github.com/oscarjsv/selenium

linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hvmlopez/

